Construction update July 2022: casting columns and concrete

July 28, 2022
The majority of columns for the lower level of the two-story parking garage structure have been cast and construction of the concrete perimeter walls on the lower level is nearly complete. Further north on the site, deep within the large steel basin that provides protection for the future OPC buildings against the surrounding groundwater, concrete work continues. Within the Museum Building footprint, some perimeter walls have been cast, and the first architectural concrete pours (for elements that will actually be exposed to view in the finished building) are being readied for next week. Unlike the parking garage, which is more conventional, the structural demands and the complex systems infrastructure of the Museum Building require an unbelievable amount of steel reinforcement (or rebar) within the concrete, and detailed and careful coordination between the placement of that rebar and the various conduits and pipes that are either set in, or need to pass through, these walls. Concrete work has also just begun on the Forum Building, with the forming and first pours of several of that building’s grade beams.
Concrete operations have also begun on the Museum building along the perimeter and the first architectural concrete pours for elements that will be visible in the finished building are being prepared. At the Forum Building, Concrete work has begun, with the forming and first pours of several of that building’s grade beams.